Watch our baby boy grow...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Sad news...

I don't like posting bad news here, but this is a significant event for Reed and his family. This morning "Grampy', Ricky Yuen, passed away at Jewish Hospital. He loved Reed so, so much, as he did the rest of us. He will be greatly missed, and it breaks my heart that Reed won't be able to remember these past precious six months he got to spend with his Grampy. But we'll be sure to tell Reed all about Grampy when he's older.

We love you Rick. And we all miss you. Don't give Heaven too much trouble...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Reed hits 6 months!

On September 29th Reed hit the big 6 month mark. He has two bottom teeth, weighs 15 lbs 11 oz, and is 27 inches long!

Get Well Soon Grampy

Reed's Grampy Rick has been in the hospital for the last few weeks. Reed can't wait for him to come home. Get well soon Grampy. We're praying for you and love you.

T-shirt Head!

Reed and Teresa

Reed and Robin

Reed at the St. James Art Fair